Skype Call Recording using Flonnect Screen Recorder for PC

Skype Call Recording using Flonnect Screen Recorder for PC

For more than a decade, Skype has established itself as the premier video voice messaging platform. As video calls and conferences have become a significant part of our lives, recording those calls has parallelly become an integral call of the process. Skype call recording is often required to capture podcasts, share calls, lectures save for offline viewing, and more.

In 2018, Microsoft added the built-in screen recording feature to all Skype versions, allowing not only the host to use the screen recording, but also all video meeting participants. But the convenient built-in screen recorder has a few drawbacks. The recorded call can’t be saved for more than 30 days, and the recorded calls may lag a lot depending on the internet connection.  But worry not. You can easily overcome these issues by downloading the free Skype recorder— Flonnect.

Free Skype Call Recording – Flonnect

The free screen and webcam recorder extension, Flonnect, allows you to record your Skype calls with clear and crisp audio and video quality. The Flonnect recorder even lets you download Skype recordings to your device and also comes with the essential feature of transcribing your calls. Some of the best features that Flonnect Screen Recorder has to offer are:

  • Unlimited video recordings
  • Link Generation and online storage of recorded videos
  • Transcribe and Summarise recorded calls
  • Edit recorded videos
  • Create and manage recordings via playlists – and many more

Skype Call Recording using Flonnect

Recording calls using Skype’s built-in screen recorder comes with five disadvantages other than letting everyone in the chat know that they are being recorded.

  • It relies on the internet for recording and doesn’t record locally.  
  • The audio and video recordings are heavily compressed depending on the internet speed, implying that you have no control over the quality.
  • Skype cannot turn speech into text.
  • There is no option to separate screen and audio recording.
  • The recordings can be stored online for 30 days only.

How to Record Skype Calls?

Using the Flonnect recorder, you can overcome these cons and record your calls without a lag on Skype. Here’s how to record calls on Skype using Flonnect—

  • Download the Flonnect PC Screen Recorder and open it.
  • Upon opening, you’ll see three options for screen recording— record from the screen, record from the camera, or record from camera+ screen. Select the required option. There are additional audio and video settings; select those per your preference and go to the next step.
  • Go to your Skype call, choose the tab you wish to record, and hit Start Recording.
  • End the recording and easily download the video on your system. You can also generate a link to share the recording without downloading it.


Can you record Skype calls?

Recording calls on Skype is very easy. You may use its built-in recorder, but there are a few disadvantages to it— its quality fluctuates a lot, and the audio also lags. Additionally, the recordings can stay only up to 30  days, and you can’t save the download on your local device. To overcome these disadvantages you may use the Flonnect PC Recorder to download quality Skype calls without lags.

How to record Skype video call?

To record a Skype video call, install the free Flonnect PC Screen Recorder and open it. Select the recording option available on the Flonnect window as per your choice. You may choose from the three recording options available and go to your Skype call. Click on the Start recording option, and record your Skype Video call without lag. Additionally, you may download the recording on your local device or share the recording link without saving the download. 

How to record Skype video call on laptop?

To record calls on your laptop, install the free Flonnect Chrome extension and open the app. Select the recording option available on the Flonnect window as per your choice. You may choose from the three recording options and go to your Skype call. Click on the Start recording option and record your Skype Video call without lag.

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